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2011-04-07| 【 】|阅读次数: |文章来源:测量与地球物理研究所





1)     bin shan, xiong xiong, yong zheng, hsu houtse, analysis of the thermal structure of lithospheric mantle and lithospheric isostasy in china continent, chinese journal of geophysics, 2008, 51(4): 744~752.

2)     bin shan, xiong xiong, yong zheng, faqi diao, stress changes on major faults caused by mw7.9 wenchuan earthquake, may 12, 2008, science in china(series d:earth sciences), 2009, 52(5): 593~601.

3)     yong zheng, hongsheng ma, jian lv, et al, source mechanism of strong aftershocks (ms≥5.6) of the 2008/05/12 wenchuan earthquake and the implication for seismotectonics, science in china(series d:earth sciences), 2009, 52(6): 739~753.

4)     xiong xiong, bin shan, yong zheng, rongjiang wang, stress transfer and its implication for earthquake hazard on the kunlun fault, tibet, tectonophysics, 2010, 482: 216~225.

5)     xiong xiong, bin shan, jiye wang, yong zheng, small-scale upper mantle convection beneath the mongolia-baikal rift zone and its geodynamic signification, chinese journal of geophysics, 2010, 53(4): 529~541.

6)     yingjie yang, yong zheng, john chen, shiyong zhou, et al, rayleigh wave phase velocity maps in tibet and the surrounding regions from ambient seismic noise tomography, geochemistry geophysics geosystems, 2010, q08010, doi:10.1029/2010gc003119.

7)     yong zheng, sidao ni, zujun xie, jian lv, hongsheng ma, and paul sommerville. strong aftershocks in the northern segment of the wenchuan earthquake rupture zone and their seismotectonic implications, earth planets space, 2010, 62:1~6.

8)     hongsheng ma, yong zheng, zhigang shao, et al, simulation on seismogenic environment of strong earthquakes in sichuan-yunnan region, china. concurrency computat: pract. exper. 2010, 22: 1626~1643.

9)     yong zheng, yingjie yang, michael h ritzwoller, xiufen zheng, xiong xiong, zuning li, crustal structure of the northeastern tibetan plateau, the ordos block and the sichuan basin from ambient noise tomography, earthquake science, 2010, 23:465~476.

10)   faqi diao, xiong xiong, rongjiang wang, yong zheng, hsu houtse, slip model of the 2008 mw 7.9 wenchuan (china) earthquake derived from co-seismic gps data, earth planets space, 2010, doi:10.5047/eps.2009.05.003.

11)   faqi diao, xiong xiong, rongjiang wang, mechnisms of transient postseismic deformation following the 2001 mw 7.8 kunlun (china) earthquake, pure and applied geophysics, 2010. doi: 10.1007/s00024-010-0154-5.

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