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monitoring and estimating for environment and disaster


the research is based on the“3s” (gis, gps, and rs) methods and field work to reveal the mechanisms of environmental changes. the particular aims are: to monitor and evaluate the environment and natural hazards, evolution of the relationship between river and lake, water resource and disaster, influence of human activities such as the large hydraulic projects and global changes of the middle reaches of yangtze river; to establish the information system and database on ecological and environmental disasters; to enhance the application of interdisciplinary such as geography, environment, ecology, measurement, and provide scientific suggestions and support decisions for the social and economic sustainable development.


组长:杜 耘

组员:何报寅 吴胜军 薛怀平 凌 峰 肖 飞  班 璇 张 亮 冯 奇

中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所凯发网的版权所有 备案序号:
地址:湖北省武汉市徐东大街340号 邮编:430077 电话:027-68881355 传真:027-68881362