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2015-6-12学术报告health effects of exposure to ambient air pollution on adverse  pregnancy outcomes
2015-06-11| 【 】|阅读次数: |文章来源:

  报告题目: health effects of exposure to ambient air pollution on adverse pregnancy outcomes 

    人: prof. zhengmin(min) qian 

  报告时间: 2015612日(星期五)9:30 

  报告地点: 环灾室5楼会议室 


  dr. qian is a professor of epidemiology and chair of the department of epidemiology, saint louis university college for public health and social justice. his area of expertise is environmental epidemiology. dr. qian's research areas of focus include maternal and child health, global health, environmental health, exposure assessment, indoor and outdoor air pollution.he has years of experience working as an environmental epidemiologist both in china and in the u.s. 

  most notably he was a key investigator on the study "health effects of long-term air pollution on lung function and respiratory health in children and adults in four chinese cities" sponsored by the u.s. environmental protection agency under annex 1 of the china-u.s. protocol for scientific and technical cooperation in the field of environment protection from 1987 to 2001. dr. qian has been a reviewer for grants’ applications from the u.s. national institute of health, u.s. center for disease prevention and control, health effects institute, and many peer-reviewed journals. 

  currently, dr. qian and his colleagues are evaluating whether ambient air pollutants at levels typically found in the developing countries of asia are related to increased rates of preterm birth, low birth weight, and intrauterine growth retardation in neonates born in wuhan, china. the proposed research follows up approximately 100,000 women and their infants. 

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