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  basic information                                            

  hai-bo tu (涂海波), doctor in radiophysics, associate professor, tuhaibo@whigg.ac.cn. 

  education and employment                                  


associate professor, institute of geodesy and geophysics, wuhan china 


assistant research fellow, physics department of u. of trento, italy 


ph.d. candidate in radiophysics, hust, china 

dissertation: ground-based performance investigation of an electrostatic inertial sensor with fiber-suspension scheme 


master candidate in optics, hust, china 

dissertation: performance measurement of an electrostatic inertial sensor on ground 


working as a physics teacher in first high middle school of luotian county, hubei province, china 


bachelor candidate in physics education, hubei normal university, china 

  research experience                                         

  i have been engaged in designing and investigating the performance of electrostatic and magnetic inertial sensor heads for several space-borne and ground-based gravitational experiments/instruments for more than ten years. performance investigation, noise analyses   of the inertial sensors are theoretically and experimentally carried out, simultaneously.  

  research skills                                                

  (1) mobile gravity survey, gravimeter design and performance test 

  ü mobile gravimeter design, portable gravimeter design 

  ü process design of the in-lab and on-sea test of gravimeters, design of test benchs, test data analysis 

  (2) electronics design and error analysis for the inertial sensors, space-borne gravitational wave detection 

  ü differential capacitance transducer 

  ü electrostaitc-controlled loop 

  ü theoretical error analysis for space-borne high-precision inertial sensor and its requirements in space-borne gravitational wave detection missions 

  (3) ground-based test of inertial sensor with fiber-suspension scheme 

  ü operation of fiber-suspension torsion balance/pendulum as a weak force probe 

  ü multi-stage electrostatic-controlled torsion pendulum design 

  ü performance measurement skills such as calibration, cross-couplings test, environmental disturbances measurement and so on 

  (4) data processing and programming 

  ü correlation analysis, power spectral density analysis, advanced fitting and so on with c, matlab, mathematic, origin, maple 

  (5) mechanical design, environmental simulation test 

  ü mechanical design 

  ü environmental simulation test for the inertial sensor with simulation machines 







h. b. tu, y. z. bai, z. b. zhou, l. liu, l. cai and j. luo, performance measurements of an inertial sensor with a two-stage controlled torsion pendulum, classical quantum gravity, 2010, vol.27, 205016 


h. b. tu, y. z. bai, z. b. zhou, r. y. liang, j. luo, measurement of magnetic properties of an inertial sensor with a torsion balance, chinese physics letters, 2009, vol.26, 040403 


h. b. tu, s. c. wu, y. z. bai, s. b. qu, j. luo, z. b. zhou, progress in the development of inertial sensor for astrod-i, journal of the japan society of microgravity application, 2007, vol.24, 91 


h. b. tu, y. z. bai, z. b. zhou, j. luo, electrostatic-control performance measurement of the inertial sensor with a torsion pendulum, journal of physics: conference series, 2009, vol.154, 012036 


h. b. tu, j. g. zhang, j. g. he, w. tian, y. wang, an environmental simulation platform and its application to geodesic instruments for the performance study, applied geophysics, 2018.10, received 


h. b. tu, j. g. he, l. j. liu et al., performance  characteristics for the g-sensitive elastic structure of chz-ii sea gravimeter, journal of geodesy and geodynamics, 2015, vol. 35, 4 


h. b. tu, j. g. he, l. j. liu et al., zero-length spring and its assembly requirement in the mobile gravimeters, navigation and control, 2015, vol.14, 2 


h. b. tu, m. hu, q. q. dong and l. t. liu, frequency-piecewise control scheme for the gravity measurement servo loop of the chz gravimeter, navigation and control, 2015, vol.14, 2 


y. z. bai, h. b. tu, z. b. zhou, s. c. wu, j. luo, inertial sensor and its application to space fundamental physics, journal of the japan society of microgravity application, 2008, vol.25, 603 


z. b. zhou, s. b. qu, h. b. tu, y. z. bai, s. c. wu, j. luo, progress of ground test of inertial sensor for astrod-i, international journal of modern physics d, 2008, vol.17, 985 


y. z. bai, z. b. zhou, h. b. tu, s. c. wu, l. cai, l. liu, j. luo, capacitive position measurement for high-precision space inertial sensor, frontiers of physics in china, 2009, vol.4, 2 


z. b. zhou, l. liu, h. b. tu and j. luo, seismic noise limit for ground-based performance measurements of an inertial sensor using a torsion balance,  classical quantum gravity, 2010, vol.27, 175012 


f. antonucci, m.  armano, h. audley, , h. b. tu et al., the lisa pathfinder mission, class. quantum grav. 2012, vol.29, 124014 


f. antonucci, a.  cavalleri, r. dolesi, , h. b. tu et al., interaction between stray electrostatic fields and a charged free-falling test mass, physics review letters, 2012, vol.108, 181101 


g. russano, a. cavalleri, a. cesarini, , h. b. tu et al., measuring fn force variations in the presence of constant nn forces: a torsion pendulum ground test of the lisa pathfinder free-fall mode, class. quantum grav. 2018, vol.35, 035017 


y. z. bai, z. x. li, m. hu,  h. b. tu et al., research and development of electrostatic accelerometers for space science missions at hust, sensors, 2017, vol.17, 1943 


m. hu, h. b. tu, l. t. liu and m. zhong, design and realization of the control system digitalization of the chz sea gravimeter, navigation and control, 2016, vol.15, 4 


z. zhu, y. b. zhao, h. liao, h. b. tu, g. w. zhang and x. g. wei, recovery of the earths gravity field based on spaceborne atom-interferometry and its accuracy estimation, acta geodaetica et cartographica sinica, 2017, vol. 46, 9 


a. s. pau, a. gerard, b. stanislav, , h. b. tu et al., the gravitational universe  elisa white paper, 2013 


m. armano, h. audley, g. auger, , h. b. tu, et al., sub-femto-g free fall for space-based gravitational wave observatories: lisa pathfinder results, 2016, vol. 116, physical review letters, 231101 


j.  luo, l.  s. chen, h. z. duan, , h. b. tu, et al., tianqin: a space-borne gravitational wave detector, class. quantum grav. 2015, vol.33, 3 


z. b. zhou s. b. qu, h. b. tu, et al., progress of ground  test of inertial sensor for astrod i, international journal of modern physics d, 2008, vol.17, 7 



涂海波,柳林涛,等. 一种精密单摆式相对重力仪, 中国发明专利,2015zl201310680015.2 


涂海波,何建刚,等. 一种电容传感探头和精密弹簧测漂仪, 中国发明专利,2017zl201510051533.7 


涂海波,何建刚,等. 一种敏感探头及精密竖直弹簧便携式重力仪, 中国发明专利,2016zl201410829015.9 


涂海波,何建刚,等. 应用于精密仪表的环境试验系统, 中国实用新型专利,2018zl201720143293.8 


涂海波,田蔚,等. 一种倾角检测装置及其角度解算方法, 发明专利申请,2018cn201710325059.1 









h. b. tu, z. b. zhou, y. z. bai, j. luo, investigating capacitance inertial sensor on ground with 2dofs electrostatic-controlled torsion pendulum, 9th international conference on gravitation and astrophysics, jun. 28-jul. 2, 2009, wuhan, china 


h. b. tu, z. b. zhou, y. z. bai, j. luo, a two-stage torsion pendulum to investigate the capacitance inertial sensor, 4th china-germany workshop on microgravity and space life sciences, jun. 16-19, 2009, shanghai 


f. antonucci, h. b. tu, w. g. weber, et al., 9th lisa symposium, and space measurement of dielectric dissipation on grs for lisa/lpf, jun. 21-25, 2012, paris 






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