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2009-11-18| 【 】|阅读次数: |文章来源:
















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国际iag会士(fellow),《earth and planetary physics》、《地球物理学报》、《测绘学报》、《地震学报》、《大地测量与地球动力学》编委等; 

-至今:   中科院测量与地球物理研究所工作;







  大地测量和地球物理相关领域:主要方向为地球重力场观测技术,理论模拟,资料处理和地球动力学应用解释等。主要业绩包括建立和完善武汉国际重力潮汐基准;精密测定全球重力潮汐参数;发展大气变化对重力场观测影响理论;利用全球地表超导重力观测探讨最新全球海潮模型的适定性;检测地球液态地核的自由核章动现象、地球自由振荡和地球固态内核的平动振荡现象,构制考虑液核近周日共振效应的重力 潮汐模型等。相关研究成果可为国家精密测绘、全球大尺度地球动力学和空间技术提供新的理论指导和背景材料。开展了多项国际合作项目,承担多项科研项目,是国家科技部重点国际合作项目和中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目负责人。获省部级科技进步一等奖3项,二等奖4项。在国内外核心刊物上发表论文100多篇,曾获国务院颁发的政府津贴、湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家等荣誉称号。









2019:sun heping,  miaomiao zhang, jianqiao xu, and xiaodong chen,reanalysis of background free oscillations using recent sg data,terrestrial  atmospheric and oceanic science,2019, 30(6):1-7 

2019sun heping, huikang zhang, jianqiao xu, xiaodong chen, jiangcun zhou, miaomiao zhanginfluences of the tibetan plateau on tidal gravity detected by using sgs at lhasa, lijiang and wuhan stations in chinaterrestrial  atmospheric and oceanic science2019, 301):135-145 





2018:贺前钱,孙和平, 水文重力效应改正中一维地下水模拟算法的对比,大地测量与地球动力学,2018,38(5):529-532





2016,zhou jiangcun, wenke sun, shuanggen jin, heping sun and jianqiao xu, rotation change in the orientation of the centre-figure frame caused by large earthquakes, geophysical journal international, 2016,206:000-1008.
2016,zhou jiangcun, heping sun, jianqiao xu, weimin zhang, estimation of local storage change by space- and ground-based gravimetry, journal of applied geophysics, 2016,131:23-28
2014:徐建桥,周江存,陈晓东,孙和平,武汉台重力潮汐长期观测结果,《地球物理学报》,2014,57(4):3019 3102,doi:10.6038/cjg20141001
2014:江颖,胡小刚,刘成利,孙和平,利用地球自由振荡观测约束芦山地震的震源机制解,《中国科学》,2014,44(12):2689-2696;jiang ying, hu xiaogang, liu chengli, sun heping, constraining the focal mechanism of the lushan earthquake with observations of the earth’s free oscillations,science in china—earth science, 57(9):2064-2070,doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4913-5
2014:zhou jc, wenke sun, heping sun, jianqiao xu, xiaoming cui, co-seismic change of length of day based on the point dislocation theory for a snrei earth, journal of geodynamics, 2014, 79:18-22
2014:hu xiaogang, jiang ying, sun heping, assessing the scalar moment of moderate earthquake and the effect of lateral heterogeneity on norman modes- an example from the 2013/04/20 lushan earthquake, sichuan, china, physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 2014, 232: 61-71
2014:cui xiaoming, heping sun,séverine rosat, jianqiao xu, jiangcun zhou, bernard ducarme,investigation of the time variability of diurnal tides and resonant fcn period, journal of geodynamics2014,79:30-38
2013:祝意青、闻学泽;孙和平;郭树松;赵云峰,2013年四川芦山ms7.0地震前的重力变化,《地球物理学报》,2013, 56(6):1887-1894(gravity changes before the lushan, sichuan, ms=7.0 earthquake of 2013)
2013:周江存,孙和平,徐建桥,陈晓东,地球内部应变与应力固体潮,《地球物理学报》,2013,56(56):3779-3787 (tidal strain and tidal stress in the earth’s interior)
2013:崔小明,孙和平, s rosat,徐建桥,周江存.陈晓东.贝叶斯算法在拟合自由核章动参数中的应用.地球物理学报, 2013, 56(1): 53~59 (the application of bayesian method in determination of free core nutation parameters)
2013:zhou jiangcun, sun wenke, sun heping, xu jianqiao. reformulation of co-seismic polar motion excitation and low degree gravity changes: applied to the 2011 tohoku-oki earthquake (mw9.0). j geodyn, 2013, 63: 20-26
2013:sun heping, xu jianqiao, chen xiaodong, zhou jiancun, lei xinge. results of gravity observations using a superconducting gravimeter at the tibetan plateau. terr atmos ocean sci, 2013, 24(4):541-550
2013:jiangcun zhou, cheinway hwang, heping sun, jianqiao xu, weimin zhang, ricky kao, tze-chiang cheng,precise determination of ocean tidal loading gravity effect for absolute gravity stations in coastal of china: effect of land-sea boundary and station coordinate, j geodynamics, 2013, 68:29-36
2013:jiang ying,jianqiao xu,heping sun,detection of inner core translationa using superconducting gravimeter, j earth sci,2013,24(5):750–758,doi: 10.1007/s12583-013-0370-x
2013:chen xiaodong, heping sun, houze xu, jianqiao xu, xinghua hao, ming liu. determination of the calibration factor of superconducting gravimeter 057 at lhasa station: a frequency-domain approach. terr, atmos ocean sci, 2013,24(4):629~636
2012:徐建桥,陈晓东,周江存,孙和平.拉萨重力潮汐变化特征.科学通报, 2012 57(22): 2094 ~ 2101;english version:xu j q, chen x d, zhou j c, et al. characteristics of tidal gravity changes in lhasa, tibet, china. chin sci bull, 2012, 57: 2586~2594, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5130- 2 (sci) ;
2012:崔小明,孙和平,徐建桥,周江存,利用超导重力技术约束核幔耦合参数,中国科学-地球科学,2012,42(2):202-210;english version:cui xm, sun hp, xu jq, zhou jc, application of superductive gravity technique on the constraints pf core-mantle coupling parameters, science chin-earth sciences, 2012, 55(3):513-520
2012:hu xiao-gang, xiu-xiu xue, lin-tao liu and he-ping sun, normal mode coupling due to azimuthal anisotropy in the transition zone: an example from taiwan island, geophysical journal international, 2012, 1-12, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.2012.05463.x
2011:张标,刘明,郑少怀,孙和平,陈晓东,lacoste romberg et重力仪静电反馈系统研制,大地测量与地球动力学,2011,31(2):149-152
2010:袁林果,丁小利,孙和平,钟萍,陈武,利用gps技术精密测定香港海潮负荷位移,中国科学:地球科学,2010, 40(6):699-714, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-3076-2;英文版yuan linguo, ding xiaoli, sun heping, zhong ping and chen wu, determination of ocean tide loading displacements in hong kong using gps technique, science in china, d-earth sciences, 2010, 53(1):699-714, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-3076-2
2010:杨兆,孙和平,雷湘鄂,陈晓东,基于分层结构参数变化的地球自由振荡简正模研究,地球物理学报,2010,53(4):815-824(doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.04.006); english version: yang zhao, sun hp, lei xe,chen xd, study of normal mode based on the changes of stratified structure parameters, chinese journal of grophysics,2010,vol 53(2):240-251
2010:徐杰,徐建桥,孙和平等。汶川地震形变场和重力场模拟分析,大地测量与地球动力学,2010,30(1): 27-32, 42.
2009:周江存,徐建桥,孙和平. 中国大陆精密重力潮汐改正模型. 地球物理学报,2009,52(9):1474-1482,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2009.06.008english version:zhou cj, xu jq, sun hp, accurate correction models for tidal gravity in chinese continent,chinese journal of grophysics,2009,vol 52(6):1474-1482
2009:周江存,孙和平,徐建桥.用地表和空间重力测量验证全球水储量变化模型.科学通报,54(9):1282-1289(doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2009.06.008);english version:zhou cj, sun hp, xu jq, validating global hydrological models by ground and space gravimetry, chinese science bulletin, 2009, 54(9),1534-1542(doi:101007/s11434-009-0006-9)
2009:徐建桥,孙和平,周江存,内核平动三重谱线的实验探测,科学通报,2009,54(22):3491-3497;english version: xu jq,sun hp, zhou jc, experimental detection of the inner core translational tript, chinese science bulletin,55(3):276-283
2009:田桂娥,陈晓东,孙和平,陈光,宋利杰,刘楠楠,vav与eterna潮汐分析方法的比较和研究,大地测量与地球动力学 2009,29 (2): 96-99(issn:1671-5942)
2009:孙和平,崔小明,徐建桥, ducarme,刘明波,周江存.超导重力技术在探讨核幔边界粘性特征中的初步应用,地球物理学报,2009,52(3):637-645;english version:sun hp, cui xm, xu jq, ducarme b, liu mb, zhou jc, preliminary application of superconductive gravity technique on the investigation of viscosity at core-mantle boundary, chinese journal of grophysics,2009,vol 52(2):311-321
2009:lou sc, sun hp, xu jq, an investigation of the quasi 3-d atmospheric loading response on gravity—implementation and evaluation shaocong, journal of geodynamics, 2009,48(3-5):366-371
2009:hu xg, liu lt,kroner c and sun hp, observation of the seismic anisotropy effects on free oscillations below 4 mhz, journal of geophysical research - solid earth,114:1-12, (doi: 10.1029/2 008jb713)
2009:chen xd, corinna kroner, heping sun, maiko abe, jiangcun zhoua, haoming yan, hartmut wziontek, determination of gravimetric parameters of the gravity pole tide using observations recorded with superconducting gravimeters, journal of geodynamics, 2009,48(3-5):348-353
2008:徐建桥,周江存,罗少聪,孙和平,武汉台重力长期变化特征研究,科学通报,2008, 53(5):583-588;english version:xu jq, zhou jc, lou sc, sun hp, study on characteristics of long term gravity changes at wuhan station, chinese science bulletin, 2008, 53(13):2033-2040
2008:徐华君,柳林涛,许厚泽,孙和平,胡小刚,利用小波分析重力的长期变化,地球物理学报,2008, 51(3),735-742, chinese journal of geophysics-chinese edition, 2008,51 (3):735-742
2008:chen xd, ducarme b, sun hp, xu jq, loading effect of a self-consistent equilibrium ocean pole tide on the gravimetric parameters of the gravity pole tides at superconducting gravimeter stations, journal of geodynamics, 2008, 45:201–207
2007:周江存,孙和平.近海潮汐效应对测站位移的负荷影响.地球物理学进展, 2007, 22(5):1340-1344
2007:周江存,孙和平,中国及邻区重力合成潮汐参数,地震学报,2007, 29(6):618-624
2007:周江存,孙和平,武汉台长周期固体潮观测的海潮负荷改正,大地测量与地球动力学,27(6): 28-32
2007:刘明波,孙和平,徐建桥,周江存,利用潮汐重力资料检测地球自由核章动,地震学报,2007, 29(6):664-667
2007:雷湘鄂,孙和平,许厚泽,石耀霖,苏门达腊大地震激发的地球自由振荡及其谱线分裂的检测与讨论,中国科学d辑,2007,37(4):504-511. english version: lei xiange, sun heping, hsu houtse & shi yaolin, check of earth’s free oscillations excited by sumatra-andaman large earthquake and discussions on theanisotropy of inner core, sci china ser d-earth sci, 2007, vol. 50(6):909-917
2007:zhou jc, sun hp, ducarme b,validating the synthetic tidal gravity parameters with superconducting gravimeter observations,bulletin d'informations de marees terrestres, 2007,11489-11497
2007:hu xg,liu lt, ducarme b, xu hz,sun hp,estimation of the pole tide gravimetric factor at the chandler period through wavelet filtering, geophys. j. int. (2007) 169, 821–829 (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.2007.03330.x)
2007:hu xg, liu lt, sun hp, comments on ‘analysis and prediction of ocean tides by the computer program vav’ by b. ducarme, a.p. venedikov, j. arnoso and r. vieira, journal of geodynamics, 20097, 44 :91–95
2007:ducarme b, zhou jc, sun hp,evaluation of m4 ocean tide loading inside the ggp network,bulletin d'informations de marees terrestres, 2007,11473-11488.
2007:ducarme b, sun hp, xu jq,determination of the free core nutation period from tidal gravity observation of the ggpsuperconducting gravimeter network, j geodesy, 2007, 81(3):179-187

2006:孙和平,许厚泽,陈武,陈晓东,周江存,刘明,高山,香港地区重力固体潮和海潮负荷特征研究,地球物理学报,2006,49(3):724-734,english version:sun hp, hsu hz, chen w, chen xd, zhou jc, liu m, gao shan, study of earth’s gravity tide and ocean loading characteristics in hongkong area, chinese j geophysics, 2006, 49(3): 657-670

2006:孙和平,郑大伟,丁晓利,陈武,陈晓东,利用小波技术检测重力亚潮汐频段的特征信号,科学通报,2006,51(8):958-965;english version:sun hp, zheng dw, ding xl, chen w, chen xd, detection of the special gravity signals in sub-tidal band by using wavelet technique, chinese science bulletin, 2006,  52(6): 713-722 (doi: 10.1007/s11434.006-0713-4);



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