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1981.9—1985.7 武汉测绘科技大学大地测量系学习

1985.9—1988.7 国家地震局地震研究所攻读硕士学位,获理学硕士学位

1988.8—1990.2 国家地震局地震研究所重力与固体潮研究室工作,从事地球重力场与固体潮研究。

1990.3—1993.7 宁夏地震局震情分析预报室工作,

1993.8—1996.3 中科院测量与地球物理研究所攻读博士学位,获理学博士学位

1995.11—至今  中科院测量与地球物理研究所工作,主要从事形变场、重力场与地球内部物理等研究。

1998.01-1999.9 德国darmstadt技术大学高级访问学者




  近年来主持或参加了国家自然科学基金“中国大陆及其邻区岩石层强度及其地球物理意义”(负责人);国家自然科学基金“fg5绝对重力仪性能测试和数据处理方法”(主要参加者);国家自然科学基金重点项目“卫星测高在中国近海地球物理和海洋动力环境中的应用” (主要参加者),国家自然科学基金“绝对重力与gps资料联合研究断层运动的理论和方法”(主持,2003-2005),中科院知识创新项目“中国大陆形变场和重力场时空变化及动力学机制”(二级课题负责人),国家大型科学工程重点项目”地壳运动观测网络“绝对重力基准点的建立(技术负责人之一),国家自然科学基金重点项目“确定地球重力场及其变化的理论和方法”(参加者)。主持国家自然科学基金“重力辅助水下运载体导航的重力匹配方法的研究”、“动态矢量重力测量方法及数据处理关键技术的实验研究”。国家重大科研装备研制项目《深部资源探测核心装备研发》子项目“探矿重力仪”等项目。







aizhi guo, sidao ni, junx ie, jeffrey t.freymueller, yong wang, baolong zhang, ziyeyu, yixinyao, wanjun ma,millimeter-level ultra-long period multiple earth-circling surface waves retrieved from dense high-rate gps network,earth and planetary science letters,525(2019)115705

 xiaoping ke, muge tian, dongliang guan, yong wang, hongling shi,gravitational gradients derived from goce and density structures beneath the north china craton, journal of asian earth sciences, 2019 

yu tian,yong wanginversion of the density structure of the lithosphere in the north china craton from goce satellite gravity gradient data,earth, planets and space,2019.

xiaobo cai, house,hsu, hua chai, leixiang ding and yong wang, multi-antenna gnss and ins intergrated position and attitude determination without base station for the land vehicles, journal of navigation, 2018

yu tian,xiaoping ke and yong wang, a folding calculation method based on the preconditioned conjugate gradient inversion algorithm of gravity gradient tensor, pure. appl. geophys. 2018
dongliang guan *, hyuk park, adriano camps *, yong wang, raul onrubia, jorge querol, daniel pascual,wind direction retrieval algorithms from spaceborne gnss-r observablesremote sensing ,2018

姚依欣,王勇*,詹金刚,郭爱智,利用平滑先验信息方法分离高频gps数据静态永久变形与地震波信息,测绘学报, 2018

hubiao wang, lin wu, hua chai, lifeng baoand yong wang*, location accuracy of ins/gravity-integrated navigation system on the basis of ocean experimentand simulation,sensors 2017, 17, 2961; doi:10.3390/s17122961

jingang zhan, hongling shi, yong wang*, and yixin yao,complex principal component analysis of mass balance changes on the qinghai–tibetan plateau,the cryosphere, 11, 1487–1499, 2017

hubiao wang, lin wu , hua chai, yaofei xiao, houtse hsu and yong wang*,characteristics of marine gravity anomaly reference maps and accuracy analysis of gravity matching-aided navigation,sensors 2017, 17, 1851; doi:10.3390/s17081851

p. f. wu, l. t. liu, l. wang, y. wang, m. zhong, z. b. zhou, and z. zou, a gyro-stabilized platform leveling loop for marine gravimeter, review of scientific instruments 88, 064501 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4984824

lin wu , hubiao wang , hua chai , lu zhang , houtse hsu and yong wang * ,performance evaluation and analysis for gravity matching aided navigation,sensors 2017, 17, 769

dongliang guan, xiaoping ke, yong wang,effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere in the east and south china seas and adjacent area obtained using the convolution method,journal of asian earth sciences,volume 118,2017.

yu tian, xiaoping ke and yong wang,deninv3d: a geophysical software for three-dimensional density inversion of gravity field data,journal of geophysics and engineering,2017.

王虎彪, 王勇*, 柴华, 鲍李峰. 中国西太平洋海域1'×1'垂线偏差模型及精度评估[j]. 测绘学报, 2017, 46(9): 1073-1079.

詹金刚, 王勇*, 白磊, 张二林, 姚依欣. fg5x-246绝对重力仪准确度测试[j]. 测绘学报, 2017, 46(4): 436-441.

dongliang guan,xiaoping ke, yong wang, basement structures of east and south china seas and adjacent regions from gravity inversion, journal of asian earth sciences,volume 117, 1 march 2016, pages 242–255

丁磊香,许厚泽,王勇,柴华,蔡小波,捷联惯导系统最简多位置解析对准改进算法,中国惯性技术学报, 03期, pp 296-298, 2016/6/15.

hubiao wang,lin wu, hua chai, houtse hsu and yong wang*. the technology of gravity aided inertial navigation system and its trial in south china sea,iet radar, sonar & navigation,2016

lin wu, hubiao wang, hua chai, houtse hsu and yong wang*. research on the relative positions-constrained pattern matching method for underwater gravity-aided inertial navigation [j]. .journal of navigation, 2015

柴华,王虎彪,武凛,王勇.陆地惯性重力测量静态试验研究[j].大地测量学与地球动力学报,vol. 35 (6): 953-9562015 

詹金刚,王勇*,史红岭等.应用平滑先验信息方法移除grace数据中相关误差[j].地球物理学报。58(4), 2015

zheng, hui; wang, hubiao; wu, lin; chai, hua; wang, yong*,simulation research on gravity-geomagnetism combined aided underwater navigation,journal of navigation, 66(1), pp 83-98, 2013/1.

aizhi guo, yong wang*, zhiwei li, sidao ni,wenbo wu,genyou liu,yong zheng,mark simons. observation of c from the mw9.0 earthquake with high-rate gps[j]. seismological research letters,v.84 no. 4 p. 594-599,2013

 lin wu*, xiaoping ke, houtse hsu, chengyi xiong and yong wang*. joint gravity and gravity gradient inversion for subsurface object detection [j]. ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 10(4), pp. 865-869, 2013.



 wang hubiao, wang yong*, fang jian, chai hua, zheng hui. simulation research on a minimum root-mean-square error rotation-fitting algorithm for gravity matching navigation [j]. science china ,earth science, 2012, 55(1):90-97.


sun, w., q. wang, h. li, y. wang, and s. okubo, 2011: a reinvestigation of crustal thickness in the tibetan plateau using absolute gravity, gps and grace data. terr. atmos. ocean. sci., 22, 109-119, doi: 10.3319/tao.2010.06.07.01(tibxs)

柴华,王勇,许大欣,王虎彪.地固系下基于四元数和卡尔曼滤波方法的惯导初始精对准研究 [j]. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2012,37(1):68~72.

詹金刚,王勇.卫星重力捕捉龙潭水库储水量变化[j]. 地球物理学报,2011,54(5): 1187~1192.

詹金刚,王勇,郝晓光. grace时变重力位系数误差的改进去相关算法[j].测绘学报, 2011,40(4):442~453.

柴华,王勇,王虎彪等. gnss/sins组合进行惯性重力测量误差分析[j]. 大地测量学与地球动力学,2011,31(6):73~78.


王虎彪,王勇,许大欣,戴全发.重力垂直梯度导航值分布与可导航性分析[j].测绘学报,2010,39(4): 364~369.

许大欣,王勇,王虎彪,戴全发,蔡小波. 区域重力异常辅助导航定位的统计分析[j]. 中国惯性技术学报, 2009,17(4):444~448.

ke xiaoping, wang yong, xu houze. forward simulation of gravity for crustal structure of xiachayu-gonghe profile in eastern tibetan plateau. geo-spatial information science, 13(4): 300-305,2010.

詹金刚, 王勇, 程永寿. 中国近海海平面变化特征分析. 地球物理学报, 2009,52(7):1726-1733.

王勇, 柯小平, 张为民, 许厚泽, 王虎彪, 柴华,基于自由落体的牛顿万有引力常数测定, 科学通报,2009,54(2), 138-143. measurement of the newtonian gravitational constant based on the principle of free fall,chinese science bulletin 2009,vol. 54 , no. 6 ,1019-1025.

wenke sun,qi wang,3hui li,yong wang, et al. gravity and gps measurements reveal mass loss beneath the tibetan plateau: geodetic evidence of increasing crustal thickness, geophysical research letters, vol. 36, l02303, doi:10.1029/2008gl036512, 2009

詹金刚,王勇, 许厚泽,郝晓光,柳林涛,我国近海1992-2006年海平面变化的小波分析., 439-444.

王虎彪,王勇,陆洋,周旭华. 联合多种测高数据确定中国边缘海及其邻域1.5’×1.5’重力异常. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2008,33(12):1292-1295.

braitenberg, carla, susann wienecke, and yong wang. basement structures from satellite‐derived gravity field: south china sea ridge. journal of geophysical research: solid earth (1978–2012) 111.b5 ,2006

鲍李峰,陆洋,王勇,许厚泽. 利用多年卫星测高资料研究南海上层环流季节特征.地球物理学报,2005,48(3):543-550

王虎彪,王勇等.用卫星测高和船测重力资料联合反演海洋重力异常,大地测量与地球动力学, 2005, 25(1),81-85


王勇,张为民,詹金刚 等. 重复绝对重力测量观测的滇西地区和拉萨点的重力变化及其意义.地球物理学报,2004,47(1):95-100


张为民, 王勇,中国地壳运动观测网络中的绝对重力测定,武汉大学学报,信息科学版, 2004.3,227-229

王勇,许厚泽. 青藏高原印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲速率的研究 —gps观测资料的反演结果.地球物理学报,2003,46(2):185-190

c. braitenberg, y. wang, j. fang, h.t. hsu. spatial variations of flexure parameters over the tibet-quinghai plateau, earth and planetary science letters, 2003, 205, 211-214

王 勇, 绝对重力观测的潮汐改正, 大地测量与地球动力学, 2003, 23(2),65-68

yong wang et al. repeated absolute gravity measurements in the western yunnan and tibetan plateau, china, proc. international association of geodesy symposia “gravity and geoid2002”, 420-423, 2003

王勇,中国近海卫星测高海平面变化的cpca分析,测绘学报, 2001. 30(2): 173-178

zhang weiming, wang yong, et al. test of the uplift of tibetan plateau by fg5 absolute gravimeter at lhasa station, chinese science bulletin, 46(3), 256-258,2001

yong wang, et al. high resolution bathymetry of china seas and their surrounding from t/p altimetry, china science bulletin, vol. 46(11),956-960,2001

yong wang, e. groten. prominent periodic oscillatory signal detection of sea level variability over china seas from t/p altimetry,marine geodesy,24(2),85-97,2001

braitenberg c., zador, m, j.fang, y. wang, h.t. hsu, gravity inversion in qinghai-tibet plateau, j. geodynamic 30(8),489-505, 2000.

braitenberg c., zador, m, j.fang, y. wang, h.t. hsu, the gravity inversion in qinghai -tibet plateau,, phys. chem. earth (a). 25(4), 381-386,2000.

fenoglio-marc y, wang y, groten e. investigation at regional scales of sea level variability at low and medium frequencies. aviso altimetry news letter, 2000, 7:40-43.

yang lu, yong wang, erwin groten, the regionl geopotential model to degree and order 720 in the mediterranean sea, avn,53-56,1999


groten, e., k. seitz, y. wang, y. lu, hoccchauflosende geoiddarsssssssstellung fur deutchland auf der basiss von egm96, w. freeden (ed.): progress in geodetic science at gw98, sshaaker verlag, 161-168,1998

yong wang, yang lu, l. fenoglio-maarc, e. groten, serparation of geoid and stationary sea surface topography and determination of mean sea level in western mediterraanean sea, w.freeden (ed.): progress in geodetic science at gw98, sshaaker verlag, 190-196,1998

wang yong, hsu houtse, lateral density heterogeneities of the lithosphere eneath tibetan plateau, proceedings of current crustal movement and hazard reduction in east asia and southeast asia, (edited hsu. et al.),384-391,1998..

 王勇、许厚泽,欧亚地区均衡残差大地水准面和上地幔强度,地球物理学报, vol.40,no.2,202—210,1997

王勇,许厚泽,成层自重弹性—粘弹性半空间膨胀引起的地表形变和重力变化,地震学报, vo1.19,no.4,4o8—412,1997

王勇,粘弹性半空间内膨胀引起的地表重力变化,地壳形变与地震,vol.16, no.2,8—11,1996

王勇,张为民,fg5绝对重力仪,地壳形变与地震, vol.l6,no.2,94—97,1996

王勇,张为民.高精度绝对重力测量在地壳运动监测中的作用,地壳形变与地震,vol.17.no.3, 98-102,1997

yong wang, theoretical modeling of local gravity changes and deformation caused by dilatancy with magma intrusion, internation association of geodesy symposia,vol. 117: segawa et al. (eds.),springer-verlag, 289-296,1997

houtse hsu, yong wang, weiming.zhang, test result of fg5 /112 absolute gravimeter at wuhan station, international association of geodesy symposia, vol.117: 15-19, springer-verlag, 1997

yong wang, rui feng, houtse hsu, lithospheric isostasy, flexure and the strength of upper manthe in tibetan plateau. proc.of 30th intl geol. congr, part.d, vsp, 153-160,1997

王勇,许厚泽,中国大陆及其邻区岩石层强度和均衡补偿机制,地球物理学报, vol.39, supp., lo5—l13,1996

王勇,李孟峦,陈素改,不同地震前重力变化与垂直位移关系差异性的可能机制,地壳形变与地震, vol.14,no.1,1994.

王勇,计算局部大地水准面变形的fft方法 地壳形变与地震,vo1.13,no.13,1993.

王勇,兰刚.宁内交界三次中强地震前潮汐观测异常及其分析,内陆地震. vol.5,no.1,1993

王勇,宁夏井水位固体翱调和分析结果及应用,地震地质, vol.14,no,3,1992.

王勇,天祝—景泰6.2级地震前宁夏台网观测的一些异常,西北地震学报, vo1.13,no.4,1991,

王勇,扩容对潮汐倾斜和应变的影响,地震学报, no.5, 1991.

王勇,金延龙,宁夏重复流动重力观测序列的分维特征,地壳形变与地震, vo.11,no4,1991



王勇,地壳弹性变化对潮汐倾斜、应变的影响,地壳形变与地震, vo1.9,no.3,1989








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