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  2007.09 ~ 2013.01, 博士, 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所(指导教师:袁运斌和欧吉坤) 

  2005.09 ~ 2007.07, 硕士, 武汉大学(指导教师尹晖) 

  2001.09 ~ 2005.07, 学士, 武汉大学 


  2016.08 ~ 至今, 研究员,中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所 

  2016.06 ~ 2016.07, 助理研究员,中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所 

  2011.12 ~ 2016.05, 博士后, 澳大利亚科廷大学, gnss研究中心 

  2010.03 ~ 2011.02, 访问学者, 澳大利亚科廷大学, gnss研究中心 



  1. 中国科学院院长优秀奖学金 

  2. 中国科学院优秀博士论文 














  [1] hou p, zhang b, yuan y. (2018): combined gps bds instantaneous single- and dual-frequency rtk positioning: stochastic modelling and performance assessment. journal of spatial science, doi: 10.1080/14498596.2018.1558117. 

  [2] li m, zhang b, yuan y, zhao c. (2018): single-frequency precise point positioning (ppp) for retrieving ionospheric tec from bds b1 data. gps solutions, doi: 10.1007/s10291-018-0810-2. 

  [3] zhang b, chen y, yuan y. (2018): ppp-rtk based on undifferenced and uncombined observations: theoretical and practical aspects. journal of geodesy, doi: 10.1007/s00190-018-1220-5. 

  [4] zhang b, teunissen p j g, yuan y, et al. (2018): joint estimation of vertical total electron content (vtec) and satellite differential code biases (sdcbs) using low-cost receivers. journal of geodesy, 92(4): 401-413. 

  [5] zhang b, liu t, yuan y. (2018): gps receiver phase biases estimable in ppp-rtk networks: dynamic characterization and impact analysis. journal of geodesy, 92(6): 659-674. 

  [6] zhang b, teunissen p j g, yuan y, et al. (2018): a modified carrier-to-code leveling method for retrieving ionospheric observables and detecting short-term temporal variability of receiver differential code biases. journal of geodesy, doi: . 

  [7] liu t, zhang b, yuan y, et al. (2018): multi-gnss triple-frequency differential code bias (dcb) determination with precise point positioning (ppp). journal of geodesy, doi: . 

  [8] liu t, zhang b, yuan y, et al. (2018): real-time precise point positioning (rtppp) with raw observations and its application in real-time regional ionospheric vtec modeling. journal of geodesy, doi: . 

  [9] chen y, yuan y, zhang b, et al. (2018): a modified mix-differenced approach for estimating multi-gnss real-time satellite clock offsets. gps solutions, doi: . 

  [10] zhao c, yuan y, zhang b, et al. (2018): ionosphere sensing with a low-cost, single-frequency, multi-gnss receiver. ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, doi: . 

  [11] zhang b, teunissen p j g, yuan y. (2017): on the short-term temporal variations of gnss receiver differential phase biases. journal of geodesy, 91(5): 563-572. 

  [12] zhang b, yuan y, chai y. (2016): qif-based gps long-baseline ambiguity resolution with the aid of atmospheric delays determined by ppp. journal of navigation, 69(6): 1278-1292. 

  [13] zhang b. (2016): three methods to retrieve slant total electron content measurements from ground‐based gps receivers and performance assessment. radio science, 51(7): 972-988. 

  [14] odijk d, zhang b, khodabandeh a, et al. (2015): on the estimability of parameters in undifferenced gnss network and ppp-rtk user models by means of s-system theory. journal of geodesy. doi: 10.1007/s00190-015-0854-9. 

  [15] zhang b, teunissen p j g. (2015): characterization of multi-gnss between-receiver differential code biases using zero and short baselines. science bulletin. doi: 10.1007/s11434-015-0911-z. 

  [16] zhang b, teunissen p j g. (2015): zero-baseline analysis of gps/beidou/galileo between-receiver differential code biases (br-dcbs): time-wise retrieval and preliminary characterization. , accepted. 

  [17] zhang b, ou j, yuan y, et al. (2012): extraction of line-of-sight ionospheric observables from gps data using precise point positioning. science china earth sciences, 55(11), 1919-1928. 

  [18] odijk d, teunissen p j g, zhang b. (2012): single-frequency integer ambiguity resolution enabled gps precise point positioning. journal of surveying engineering, 138(4): 193-202. 

  [19] zhang b, teunissen p j g, odijk d. (2011): a novel un-differenced ppp-rtk concept. journal of navigation, 64(s1), s180-s191. 

  [20] teunissen p j g, odijk d, zhang b. (2010):  ppp-rtk: results of cors network-based ppp with integer ambiguity resolution. journal of aeronautics, astronautics and aviation, series a, 42(4), 223-230.  

  [21] zhang b, ou j, yuan y, et al. (2010): yaw attitude of eclipsing gps satellites and its impact on solutions from precise point positioning. chinese science bulletin, 55(32), 3687-3693. 

  [22] zhang b. (2009): determination of un-differenced atmospheric delays for network-based rtk. // proceedings of institute of navigation gnss 2009, savannah, usa: 2727-2738. 

  [23] 张宝成, 袁运斌, 欧吉坤. (2016): gps接收机仪器偏差的短期时变特征提取与建模. 地球物理学报, 2016(1): 101-115. 

  [24] 张宝成, odijk d. (2015): 一种能实现单频ppp整周模糊度固定的gnss参考网数据处理算法. 地球物理学报, 58(7): 2306-2319. 

  [25] 张宝成, 袁运斌, 蒋振伟. (2015): 一种无需变换参考星的gnss单基线滤波算法. 测绘学报, 44(9): 958-964. 

  [26] 张宝成, 欧吉坤, 袁运斌. (2014): 精选基准消秩亏的gnss参考网数据处理方法.测绘学报, 43(9): 895-901. 

  [27] 张宝成, teunissen pjg, odijk d. (2012): 精密单点定位整周模糊度快速固定. 地球物理学报, 55(7): 2203-2211. 

  [28] 张宝成, 欧吉坤, 袁运斌等. (2012): .测绘学报, 41(4):  523-528. 

  [29] 宝成, 欧吉坤, 李子申等. (2011): 利用精密单点定位求解电离层延迟. 地球物理学报, 54(4):950-957. 

  [30] 宝成, 欧吉坤. (2011): 论精密单点定位整周模糊度解算的不同策略. 测绘学报, 40 (6): 710-716. 

  [31] 张宝成, 欧吉坤, 袁运斌等. (2011): . 测绘学报, 40 (4): 447-453. 

  张宝成, 欧吉坤, 袁运斌等. (2010): 基于gps双频原始观测值的精密单点定位算法及应用. 测绘学报, 39 (5): 478-483. 











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